Whip well the whipping cream, take your ready roll, then spread the surface with the whipped cream. Transfer into the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Begin to create the green grass with the sugar paste, roll out the sugar paste and cut the triangles with a knife, without cutting completely.
Now roll out the white and yellow sugar paste, then make 1 small egg, 1 bunny and a chick. Take the Freddi Pic-Nic Vanilla from the refrigerator, cover with the white sugar paste and with the help of a brush, spread a little honey on the grass and attach to the base of the cake.
Now do the same thing with the egg, take a toothpick, cut it in half and insert it into the cake to make the characters stand.
"I had a sunflower that I inserted it as a decoration, and
you can pick something at your leisure. I used pearl sugars for the eyes of the characters."